Cover my own

Album: Cover My Own (EP)
Artist: Old Sea Brigade
Genre: Indie Rock
Band membersBen Cramer
Release date: 1 September 2017
Gem tracksWaiting for, Did you think it was right

Starting with my best discovery this year, Old Sea Brigade is by Atlanta's Ben Cramer who beautifully blends Indie Rock with touches of folk, country, and Americana in this 18 minutes long EP.
This EP is the perfect choice for a weekend afternoon when you are in a sober mood and wish to relax. The ambience created with the guitar tunes amidst bassy waves and a pleasant synthesizer background is just amazing. Most of the songs' lyrics have a sad tinge to them but, combined with the mellow music, the overall feeling throughout the EP is very somber yet soothing. 

Official page:
Gem Tracks:
(Subscribe to Musical Esoterism's YouTube Channel to check out Gem tracks)


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