Sun River

Album: Sun River
Artist: Sun River
Genre: Folk
Release date: 25 January 2012
Band Members: Jonas Munk, Martin Rude, Jakob Scott
Gem Tracks: Lake Victoria, Underwood, Fourths

Sun River is a classic folk band from Denmark, which plays sun-drenched acoustic guitar tunes with an addition of electric guitar leads. The mellow mix of the guitars and vocals makes it perfect to listen to when you are traveling in your car or even during a lazy Sunday afternoon.
The album begins with Moon, a pleasant track that makes you feel like you are amidst prairies with flowers dangling around. It then moves on to Fourths which begins like a proper travel time track and ends with heavy drums and a mellow acoustic guitar tune. They have played a beautiful combination the acoustic and electric guitar in Villanueva Esperanza with a congo in the background and Jonas Munk singing like a priest. The album then moves on to Lines a fast-paced track with amazing leads that will add some energy in the environment. Dawn Patrol and Underwood are both fully instrumental tracks showing you beautiful artistry with the strings. Lastly, Lake Victoria is my favorite in the whole album, the one I often listen to while getting back home after a tiresome day.
If you like the band support it by going to its official page given in the link below. Cheers!

Gem Tracks:
(Subscribe to Musical Esoterism's YouTube Channel to check out Gem tracks)


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