
Album: Vegetal
Artist: Fakear
Genre: Electronic, World, Dance
Release Date: 2 December 2016
Band Members: Fakear (Theo Le Vigoureux)
Gem Tracks: Mantra, La danse des etoiles, All of us, First sights


Fakear, an artist from Caen, France, is one of those rare artists who blend ambient sounds with electronic melodies and voices smoothly to give birth to music that is absolutely unique in taste. His music is of the likes of Bonobo and Shpongle.

The album starts with "Mantra", a bit of a classical Indian voice mixed with tablas and bass. It moves onto "La danse des etoiles" meaning "the dance of the stars" and it literally does sound like some astronomical music. Towards the end of this track, an aboriginal voice syncs up giving you the voodoo vibes. Next comes "All of us" with a typical Chinese music touch consisting of a Pipa in the background and an electronically modified Chinese female voice. "First sights" takes a whole different twist with a Damaru, Flute, and Violin in the background combined with a female voice found in operas. The album moves back towards an Indian touch with "La chaleur des corps" meaning "Body heat". A male and a female voice have been blended beautifully throughout the track. Coming onto Uprising, a track that is difficult to describe, it has myriads of voices blended in the finest way.  The last track, Jonnhae, Pt. 2, has some children like voices tuned with different bell sounds at the back.

If you like the artist support him by going to his official Bandcamp, the link of which has been provided below.


Gem Tracks
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